Straum Introduces the Straum Strap Adapters: Expanding Strap Options for the Jan Mayen Case
April 2023 - Opphav bracelet update
On the back of today's announcement of the Jan Mayen Collection, we would like to give you an update on the Opphav (+ Opphav Damascus and Rastarkalv) Stainless Steel Bracelet and answer some questions. We want to be as forthcoming and transparent as possible.
First, when will it ship?
We are hesitant to provide a firm date yet, but no unforeseen issues have emerged since our last update. The estimates shared in our previous email update have not changed, which was and still is Mid 2023. We keep pushing to bring this down.
How do the Opphav and Jan Mayen bracelet compare?
The Opphav and Jan Mayen bracelet is manufactured by the same manufacturer, to the same standards. Indeed they are identical apart from the case integrations. Feedback from Jan Mayen reviews regarding the bracelet should be indicative of the Opphav bracelet. We believe you are receiving great value for your money–when it arrives.
Will I receive my Opphav bracelet before Jan Mayen customers receive theirs?
Absolutely. As you know, we made the order for the Opphav bracelets many months ago and our primary focus is to ship your bracelet as soon as possible.
Did we delay the delivery of the Opphav bracelet on purpose, to fund the Jan Mayen model?
We can understand why it might look this way, but trust us when we say; absolutely not. Funding, while always a challenge for budding startups, was not the issue–and remain limited to manufacturing and supply chains as outlined in previous emails.
Did the Jan Mayen collection delay the Opphav bracelet?
Jan Mayen had no impact on the Opphav bracelet. Resolving bracelet manufacturing issues benefitted both products, but the bracelet models did not affect each other. More specifically, we worked with our suppliers to refine certain manufacturing methods–a process that simply requires time. Parallel development tracks typically don't affect each other, and they're actually key if we want to deliver products at the pace expected by our current and prospective customers. We always want to develop faster and deliver sooner, and we have every ambition to increase this pace going forward!
Should we have delayed the Jan Mayen launch until after the delivery of Opphav bracelets?
Again, we understand, but we think no. The feedback from the watch community was clear; a lot of people wanted the features offered in our Jan Mayen models and we wanted to get that in their hands as soon as we could.
We promise to keep you all in the loop on any other frequently raised topics or questions regarding the Opphav stainless steel bracelet, as well as any updates on the shipping timeframe as soon as we have them.
We appreciate your patience and support.
Best regards,
Lasse and Øystein